Dustin higgs crime
Dustin higgs crime

We demand you step up and do what’s right for Higgs and his family. Higgs deserves to be released and apologized to for being held wrongfully for over 20 years. With only days left in office, I ask that you make those final days count. Cases like this are the most indicative of where help is needed and you are one of the only people with the power to stop this travesty from occurring. The criminal justice system is broken and needs improving. Dustin Higgs, Awaiting Federal Execution, Says He’s Innocent Donate Dustin Higgs, the Last Man to Be Executed in Terre Haute, Maintains His Innocence Higgs was sentenced to death for his role in a. Higgs’ family is growing up without him while he wastes away in a jail cell. This is absolutely outrageous and should never have been a reality. The actual killer is also in jail and is only receiving life in prison, while Higgs is set to be executed in January. Demand that Higgs be released immediately.ĭear Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen,ĭustin John Higgs currently sits in a specialty holding cell on death row for a crime that he never committed. He very well may be executed for a crime he never committed. Higgs has wasted over 20 years in prison while his children grow up without a father. This is a travesty to our justice system and another example of where we need to do better. This is unacceptable on so many levels, mostly due to the fact that the actual killer is in custody and still received a lighter sentence than Higgs. The man who actually committed these crimes has since confessed and is serving life in prison, yet Higgs remains on death row and is set to be executed in January.

dustin higgs crime

Goal: Release Dustin John Higgs from death row for crimes he didn’t commit.ĭustin John Higgs was falsely convicted of kidnapping and murdering three young women in 1996, given the death penalty, and then found to be innocent. Target: United States Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen

Dustin higgs crime